- Upcoming Meetings & Events -
June - August
Marshfield MA Beach Water Tests
Rexhame, Fieldston, Brant Rock and Green Harbor are tested every Tuesday by The Massachusetts Dept of Public Health (MDEP)
for Enterococci - intestinal bacteria found in humans and animals. Check before you swim: • Marshfield MA Beach Closures
January 1, 2015
Long Legal Battle Over Marshfield Beach Access Ends With Win for Town.
A 16-year legal battle over who gets to use Old Rexhame Beach has ended, with a state Land Court ruling that the beach is
town-owned and public, not privately owned, as a group of residents claimed.
• Marshfield Mariner
Oct 28, 2014
Seawall Funds Approved at Marshfield Town Meeting
Reconstruct seawall between Old Beach Road and 9th Road, making it about 2 feet higher with a footing and protective revetment.
Permitting will take approx 9 months to complete. Construction is anticipated to start in fall 2015 and be completed in spring
• Marshfield Mariner
September 2, 2014
Marshfield, Scituate Receive $8M for Seawall Repairs
The Foster Ave Seawall project will replace 1000 feet of structure. Originally constructed in the 1930's, this project will
help increase Marshfield's resilience to coastal storm events and increase public safety.
• Patriot Ledger
June 3, 2014
Marshfield MA - Fieldston Beach & Sunrise Beach Northern Construction Co. begins seawall cap and stairs repairs.
January 15, 2014
Marshfield, Hull To Get Money for Sea Wall Repairs
Ocean Bluff and Fieldston seawall repairs.
• The Enterprise
January 14, 2014
Marshfield Receives $1.25 million Seawall Grant
Ocean Bluff is getting some much-needed help with seawall repairs.
• Marshfield Mariner
FEMA Flood Maps Online As Neighborhoods Approach Appeals
Flood insurance rate maps and related information.
• FEMA Maps
August 8, 2013
Marshfield Citizens Coastal Coalition Meeting, 7 PM @ St. Anns Parish Hall in Ocean Bluff. Discussion of new FEMA flood
maps and insurance rate changes.
August 3, 2013
Marshfield Sandcastle Contest, 10:30 AM- 1 PM @ Rexhame Beach. Categories for Families, Children, Youth and Adults! Prizes
and fun for all. Rain date: Sunday, August 4.
• Marshfield Recreation Brochure
July 25, 2013
Marshfield Coastal Advisory Committee Meeting, 6 PM @ Fieldston Seawall.
Educational Site Visit: Seawall construction.
July 24, 2013
Green Harbor Beach Water Test FAILS Public Safety Test!
For full details visit: • MDEP
July 24, 2013
Marshfield Flood Insurance Rate Changes
Homeowners may soon experience a drastic increase in flood insurance rates or the need to acquire coverage in the near future.
• Mariner
July 23, 2013
Final Leg of Surf Avenue Sea Wall Repair in Marshfield Under Way
The Fieldston Beach seawall was the “canary in the coal mine,” as it demonstrated to state officials that the
history of neglected maintenance across the state could be catastrophic.
• Patriot Ledger
July 17, 2013
Marshfield Looks For Keys to Coastal Issues
Seawalls and coast protection, flood plain mapping, insurance and improved community collaboration among town departments,
committees and residents emerged as priorities.
• Mariner
May 17, 2013
Experts Say Climate Change Will Sink Coastal Neighborhoods
Experts say raising sea walls, burying power lines and putting restrictions on new shoreline construction are possible solutions.
• Mariner
April 30, 2013
US Army Corps of Engineers - Update Report for MassachusettsA Section 103 feasibility study has begun to investigate
storm tidal flooding issues in the Fieldston and Brant Rock sections of Marshfield, Mass. If an implementable plan is recommended,
the study phase will be followed by the design and implementation phase, which will take about 18 months to complete.
• ACOE Update Report
April 23, 2013
Marshfield Supports New Seawalls at Town Meeting
Special Town Meeting offered a surprising twist to voters when the dollar amount for a major seawall project was presented
as $905,000 less than originally estimated.
• Mariner
April 22, 2013
Marshfield Special Town Meeting Voted YES for Article 14!
Full DPW funds for: Fieldston seawall reconstruction, Hewitt’s Point revetment repair, Ocean Bluff seawall design
and permits.
• Town Meeting Warrant
April 17, 2013
Marshfield to Vote on $5 million for Sea Wall, other Coastal Protection
• Boston.com
April 15, 2013
COASTAL CONNECTION / Seawalls Benefit All
Marshfield Coastal Coalition
• Marshfield Mariner
April 12, 2013 Last Day To Register To VOTE
Marshfield voter registration is held in the Clerk’s office during regular office hours and during special sessions
required before town meetings.
• Town Meeting Voter Registration
April 10, 2013
Marshfield Board Endorses More Than A Handful Of Articles
Board of Selectmen endorse Special Town Meeting Article 14.
• Mariner
April 6, 2013
Keep Marshfield Clean Day / Rid Litter Day
9 am - 4 pm, Furnance Brook Middle School.
All are welcome to participate in this community effort.
• Brochure
April 3, 2013
Marshfield Coastal Advisory Board Members Recommended
The selection committee recommended five of the nine applicants for appointment.
• Marshfield Mariner
March 27, 2013
Marshfield Coastal Advisory Selection Committee
The committee that will elect the CAC members will meet 6:00 PM @ Town Hall, Selectman’s Hearing Room.
Agenda: Discussion and selection of Coastal Advisory Committee
• Marshfield CAC
March 21, 2013
Capital Budget Makes Recommendations for Town Meeting
Marshfield Capital Budget Committee recommends $5 million for seawalls and riprap.
• Marshfield Mariner
March 18, 2013
Residents Urged To Support Seawall Articles at April 22 Town Meeting
Marshfield town officials are urging residents to come out and vote at the Special Town Meeting on April 22 to support several
articles that will help the effort to shore up the seawalls.
March 8, 2013
COASTAL CONNECTION / Lessons from NemoMarshfield Coastal Coalition
• Marshfield Mariner
February 14, 2013
MEMA Provides Information on Federal Disaster Assistance
Info about federal assistance due to the snowstorm Feb. 8-9, 2013.
• Marshfield Mariner
February 14, 2013
Marshfield DPW Director Calls Beach Destruction "Devastating"
All of Marshfield’s seawalls withstood the blizzard with no breaches.
• Marshfield Mariner
January 19, 2013
State Aid Solicited To Repair Seawall
DCR plans for Nantasket beach erosion: phase one, reduce direct wave action on the seawall by putting a revetment in front
of it. The second phase would be to bring in sand to rebuild the beach.
• Boston.com
January 10, 2013
Gov. Deval Patrick Signs Bill
Deval Patrick has signed a bill designed to make it easier for cities and towns to get rid of crumbling dams and shore up
• Boston Herald
January 9, 2013
State Report: Marshfield Should Change Government Structure
Given the importance of preserving Marshfield’s shoreline, a special purpose stabilization fund for seawall maintenance
makes sense.
Additionally, special purpose stabilization funds directly address resident concerns by providing assurance that money intended
for a particular purpose will be used accordingly and not diverted for something else.
• Patriot Ledger
• Town of Marshfield - Financial Management Review
January 9, 2013
McDonough Makes It Official
According to Marshfield Board Of Selectman, Mat McDonough: "Strides have been made with infrastructure for the town as a commitment
to reinforce the seawalls has been proposed and appears to be underway in accordance with an outcry heard from residents".
• Marshfield Mariner
January 8, 2013
New Option for Funding Seawall Repair
This April, Marshfield Town Meeting will consider funding $5 million for much needed seawall repairs. Monday night, selectmen
learned they may have a match for that $5 million from the state. Listen to AUDIO file:
January 7, 2013
Marshfield Board Of Selectmen Meeting
7:15 PM at Marshfield Town Hall, Selectman’s Hearing Room.
Jim Cantwell – New legislation related to seawalls.
• Marshfield BOS
• BOS Video
January 5, 2013
Marshfield, Duxbury and Scituate Join Forces with $30,000 Grant
28 seawalls are rated Poor to Fair condition in Marshfield. Only four are in better shape. This trio of neighboring towns
is looking to hire a consultant by the end of the month.
• Marshfield Mariner
January 5, 2013
Coastal Group Sets 2013 Goals
The Marshfield Coastal Coalition set goals for 2013 at its Dec. 18 meeting.
January 4, 2013
Mass. OK’s Bill to Fund Seawalls, Dam Work
Massachusetts lawmakers approved the creation of a $17 million loan pool to be used for dam and seawall repairs and replacements.
• Bid Ocean
December 31, 2012
Marshfield DPW Leader Wants $5.1M For Sea Wall Fixes
To completely replace a 1,100-foot stretch of sea wall in the Fieldston Beach neighborhood, strengthen the revetment in front
of Hewitt’s Point and design a project to replace sea wall extending into Ocean Bluff.
• Patriot Ledger
December 12, 2012
DPW Director Seeks $5.175 Million for Seawall Repairs
Department of public works superintendent Tom Reynolds attended meetings where residents voiced concerns about the town’s
2.4 miles of seawall. On Dec. 3 he presented a proposal to the board of selectmen to begin to address the issues.
• Marshfield Mariner
November 4, 2012
South Shore Seawalls In Spotlight
According to a 2009 statewide study of all public infrastructure along 1,730 miles of the Massachusetts coastline, almost
80 percent of coastal structures have outlived their 50-year lifespan. Furthermore, this infrastructure has gone unrepaired
— 85 percent of public infrastructure had no major repairs from 1958 to 2009.
• Boston Globe
September - October
Help Keep Our Beaches & Ocean Clean
Ocean Conservancy partners with organizations and individuals around the globe to clean up the world’s beaches and waterways.
Volunteer For A Beach Clean Up Near You:
25th Massachusetts Annual Statewide Beach Cleanup • Coastsweep
27th Annual International Coastal Cleanup • ICC
September (TBD)
Annual Bob Pollard Surfing Memorial
Rexhame Beach, Marshfield, MA – Sat or Sun – ON CALL.
• Surfing Contest
August 22, 2012
Marshfield Citizens Start Coastal Executive Board
The group is formulating plans to represent the citizens of Marshfield as one voice in matters pertaining to coastal safety,
infrastructure and seawall maintenance, and efforts of the town to manage such matters. “It’s important that our
concerns are heard.”
• Marshfield Mariner
June - August
Marshfield MA Beach Water Tests
Rexhame, Fieldston, Brant Rock and Green Harbor are tested once a week, every Tuesday, by The Massachusetts Dept of Public
Health (MDEP) for Enterococci - intestinal bacteria found in humans and animals. High levels of enterococci indicate the waters
may also contain other disease-causing microbes that are present in sewage. Samples taken on Tues require 24 hours incubation.
If test results exceed 104 colonies; the beach is posted "CLOSED" to Swimming on Wednesday.
• Marshfield Beach Closures
August 15, 2012
Citizens and The Coast
Town officials need to remember for whom they work and show a little more respect to those citizens interested in helping
solve the problem, not only for their sake, but for that of the entire community.
• Marshfield Mariner
August 15, 2012
Citizens Meeting - Wed at Town Hall
Citizens concerned about future coastal protection will gather Wednesday night, Aug. 15, at Marshfield Town Hall in meeting
room 3 at 7:30 p.m. to take further steps in the formation of a citizen’s coastal coalition representing the interests
and voices of inhabitants of Marshfield.
• Marshfield Mariner
August 4, 2012
Annual Town Wide Sandcastle / Sculpture Contest
2:30 - 5:00 PM @ Rexhame Beach. Categories for Families, Children, Youth and Adults! Prizes and fun for all. Raindate: Sunday
August 5, 2012
• Marshfield Sandcastle Contest
• Marshfield Mariner
August 1, 2012
Marshfield Seawalls Top Resident Issues
Seawalls and their maintenance dominated the conversation as residents brought concerns and specific issues to the board of
selectmans attention.
• Marshfield Mariner
August 1, 2012
Beach Access Plagues Marshfield Residents
The stairs to Sunrise Beach concern neighbors due to the rusted sharp railing and rocks piled at the foot of the stairs making
access to sand and sea treacherous.
• Marshfield Mariner
July 31, 2012
US Army Corps of Engineers - Update Report for Massachusetts
FIELDSTON AND BRANT ROCK SECTIONS, MARSHFIELD (10th CD) - A Section 103 feasibility study is authorized to investigate storm
tidal flooding issues in the Fieldston and Brant Rock sections of Marshfield, Mass. The entire study effort which may lead
to project design and implementation authorization will take about 18 months to complete.
• $180,000 Feasibility Study
July 25, 2012
Sunrise Beach Residents Voice Concerns About Safety
Residents gathered recently to discuss concerns about hazardous access to the beach.
• Marshfield Mariner
July 24, 2012
Rexhame Public Beach Battle Continues
After 14 years, the private vs. public ownership debate has no trial date.
Audio file available at:
July 22, 2012
Erosion Defenses Limit Beach Access
Boulders at the 3rd Road entrance to Sunrise Beach in Marshfield make walking onto the beach dangerous.
• Boston Globe
June 20, 2012
New Group To Look at Marshfield Coastal Issues
Marshfield Coastal Advisory Committee - A two-page memo written by Town Planner Paul Halkiotis lays out the committee’s
charge and tasks. “We want to help the town adapt to shoreline retreat”
• Marshfield Mariner
May 25, 2012
Storm-damaged Sea Wall Being Repaired In Marshfield
Construction crews work on a length of sea wall along Bay Avenue in the Green Harbor section of Marshfield.
• Patriot Ledger
May 2, 2012
Marshfield Coastal Advisory Board Meeting
John Hall (Marshfield Board of Selectman) and Advisory Board joint meeting to discuss coastal issues and potential options
for the future. MCTV Government Channel
• VIDEO - Marshfield Plans Shoreline Retreat
April 14 & 15, 2012
Keep Marshfield Clean Weekend
9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Pick up and drop off bags at Furnace Brook Middle School, rear parking lot.
• Marshfield Rid Litter Weekend
March 20, 2012
Michael Walsh Helps Shore Up The Shoreline
The state of the South Shore’s coastline is both a personal and a professional issue.
He happens to live in Marshfields Green Harbor and also is a marine field technician at the Woods Hole Group, an environmental
consulting firm in Falmouth that helps private homeowners and municipalities fight the effects of erosion.
• Patriot Ledger
February 29, 2012
Moving Forward on Seawalls
Marshfield Mariner commentary letter.
• Marshfield Mariner
February 15, 2012
Hold Town Officials Accountable!
Marshfield Mariner commentary letter.
• Marshfield Mariner
February 12, 2012
Marshfield Sea Wall Panel Resigns as Town Plans Changes
Keeping the public informed was part of the committee’s mission. “Blame us for being too transparent, but that’s
exactly what we were trying to be’’
• Boston Globe
February 8, 2012
Handling of Seawall Committee Questioned
Open Meeting Law complaint filed over BOS handling of the Marshfield Seawall Committee.
• Marshfield Mariner
February 2, 2012
Seawall Committee Resigns After Selectmen Threaten to Dismantle
Marshfield Seawall Committee members beat Selectmen to the punch and dismantled the group by resigning this week.
• © WATD
February 2, 2012
Members of Marshfield Seawall Committee Resign
On Wednesday night, all five members of the Marshfield Seawall Committee resigned from their post and formed a citizen action
group that will represent residents of the community.
• © Marshfield Mariner
February 1, 2012
Marshfield Seawall Commitee
Please read the Marshfield Seawall Committee's official statement on disbanding.
• Marshfield Seawall Commitee
February 1, 2012
Marshfield in Regional Coastal Coalition
Coastal issues and preventative measures for community safety have been a growing focus of joint meetings among South Shore
• © Marshfield Mariner
January 25, 2012
Murray visits Marshfield Seawalls
Instrumental in securing emergency funds for seawall repair on two occasions, Murray said he was pleased to see the progress
that had been achieved in the susceptible areas of the coastline.
• © Marshfield Mariner
December 31, 2011
Duxbury, Marshfield and Scituate Awarded Grant
A $30,000 grant from GOMC was supplemented by over $15,400 of in-kind services from the three Town Planners and a Regional
Planner from Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC). Paul Halkiotis, Marshfield's town planner served as the project manager.
The report contains a compilation of existing studies, an explanation of sea level rise trends and projections, inventories
of coastal structures such as seawalls and jetties, strategies to avoid or mitigate flooding impacts and funding options for
coastal infrastructure to minimize flooding impacts.
• South Shore Coastal Hazards Adaptation Study
December 8, 2011
Marshfield: Town pursues regionalization to combat seawall problems
• © WATD
August 4, 2011
Consultant Suggests Ways To Address Marshfield’s Sea-wall Problems
• Patriot Ledger
April 25, 2011
Seawall Betterments Nixed!
Marshfield Town Meeting set a record attendance -over 2,200 people packed the gym, cafeteria and library- to vote NO betterments
and approve seawall replacement funds. FFWD Video to 3:22:15
• VIDEO - Marshfield SPECIAL Town Meeting
• Marshfield Mariner
April 15, 2011
REGISTER TO VOTE! The last day to register to vote for Marshfield Special Town Meeting is now April 15. All
seasonal inhabitants must complete their registration forms by Friday, April 15th 4:30 pm.
• Voter Registration
• Seawall Committee Update
April 12, 2011
Marshfield Getting Help from Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Work on this project is proposed to be concentrated in research and presentations to the communities related to adaptation
planning and financing coastal infrastructure maintenance. The MAPC funding would allow the towns to take action on protecting
infrastructure ahead of time rather than reacting to a crisis down the road.
• Marshfield Mariner
April 9 & 10, 2011
Clean Up Marshfield Day
Keep Marshfield Clean - Rid Litter Day. Pick up and drop off bags
at Furnace Brook Middle School parking lot 9AM to 4PM Sat & Sun.
• Marshfield Chamber of Commerce
• Facebook
April 4, 2011
Lawmakers Turn Eye to state’s Battered Sea Walls.
Lawmakers deeply concerned over Massachusetts’ aging sea walls will meet tomorrow to discuss how to fund repairs needed
to adequately armor residents against the ocean’s fury.
• © Boston Globe
March 29, 2011
Marshfield Seawall Committee has a NEW web site with betterment facts, voter registration information and meeting updates.
• Marshfield Seawall Committee
March 16, 2011
Marshfield Seawall Committee
Wednesday 7:30 PM @ Town Hall hearing room 2.
This meetings primary objective will be to discuss final betterment numbers (property imposed a betterment tax) and a revision
of the informational packet.
• Meeting Agenda
February 17, 2011
Marshfield Seawall Committee
Thursday 7:30 PM @ Martinson Elementary School Auditorium
Beach Village inhabitants are urged to attend this open forum to discuss the
seawall articles that will be presented at Special Town Meeting.
• © Marshfield Mariner
January 19, 2011
Capital Budget Committee Meeting
7:00 PM at Town Hall Hearing Room 2
Agenda: Review of Capital Requests for Department of Public Works
The Board of Public Works urges Beach Village residents to attend this meeting as the BPW will be requesting funds for seawall
reconstruction and they need our support.
• Notice of Public Meeting
January 10, 2011
Board of Public Works Meeting
7:15 PM at Town Hall Hearing Room 3
Agenda: Seawall Update & Betterments Discussion
• Meeting Agenda
January 10, 2011
Board of Selectmen Meeting
7:30 PM at Seth Ventress Hall, 76 South River Street
Action Items: New Appointments to Seawall Committee – Liaison John Hall
• Meeting Agenda
November 2010
Betterments Nixed for Sea Wall
DUXBURY - Town Manager Richard MacDonald recommended against charging a betterment fee for sea wall repairs.
• © Wicked Local Duxbury
November 29, 2010
Board of Selectmen Meeting
7:30 PM at Seth Ventress Hall, 76 South River Street
Action Items: Marshfield Seawall Committee Mission Statement
• Meeting Agenda Minutes: this committee will be an advisory board consisting of 7 members.
November 22, 2010
Board of Public Works Meeting
7:15 PM Town Hall, Hearing Room 3
Action Items: Seawall Update & Betterment Discussion
• Meeting Agenda
Minutes: Robert Shaughnessy, BPW board, admitted that Town Hall had NO interest in the 2007 Seawall Committee and that citizens
appointed to the "dismantled" committee were never allowed to convene.
November 22, 2010
Board of Selectmen Meeting
7:30 PM at Town Hall, Selectmen's Hearing Room
Board Discussion: Marshfield Seawall Committee.
• Meeting Agenda
November 9, 2010 Cantwell
Dives into Coastal Issues
After running unopposed, Cantwell said he wanted to focus much of his second term on long-neglected coastal infrastructure
issues. Cantwell said he would be exploring the reconvening of a coastal caucus, a small group of lawmakers that could “talk
about ways to agree to get funding for coastal infrastructure,” primarily seawalls. “We used to have funding of
seawall and water infrastructure needs for coastal communities,” he said, adding that former Republican Gov. Mitt Romney
eliminated direct funding for waterways and seawall projects six years ago. “There used to be a one-tenth of 1 percent
gas tax that went for waterways projects. It netted between $14 million and $29 million every year.”
• © Scituate Mariner
September - October 2010 COASTSWEEP / Beach Cleanup"Trash doesn’t fall from the
sky, it falls from human hands". Every year more than half-a-million concerned people in 100 countries remove millions
of pounds of trash from beaches, river banks and waterways all over the world. Join forces for a clean and healthy ocean: • The 23rd annual Massachusetts COASTSWEEP• The 25th annual International Coastal Cleanup• Beach cleanups scheduled throughout the months of September and October.
October 2, 2010
COASTSWEEP / Green Harbor, Marshfield MA
Saturday @ 9 AM - Help keep Green Harbor Beach clean, healthy and beautiful.
For more information visit:
• Green Harbor Coastweep
September 20, 2010
Marshfield Board of Selectmen
7:30 PM at Town Hall, Selectmen's Hearing Room
Marshfield Shoreline Advisory Committee
Town Planner Paul Halkiotis says town, region must confront impacts of climate change.
Halkiotis told selectmen that Marshfield should form a shoreline advisory committee
-separate from the seawall committee- to find ways to adapt to climate change. Marshfield might be hard-pressed, he says,
if another sea wall fails.
"The homes along our shoreline and the families that live in them are a huge part of the identity of our community. Our beach
front neighborhoods are a key part of our community character. The value of the infrastructure along our coast is worth millions
of dollars. These things are all at risk. For these reasons we must address these issues proactively" Halkiotis said.
Selectmen Chair Patricia Reilly says Marshfield has under-funded the town's sea wall maintenance program. "The town has to
be pro-active. We can't afford to be reactive, which is how we handled the sea wall," she said.
Selectmen will call for a joint meeting with the Department of Public Works, Conservation Commission, the Planning Board and
the public to consider the town's response to climate change. That meeting will take place after the fall town meeting, most
likely at the Furnace Brook Middle School.
• Meeting Agenda & Minutes
September 11, 2010 Marshfield Duck Derby
Saturday 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM at Rexhame Beach parking lot.
Have you ever wondered what it would look like to see 2,000 rubber ducks racing down the South River? In addition to the
slew of prize winning ducks bobbing down the river, the parking lot will have games, food, and activities for the whole family.
Fund-raiser for South Shore Habitat for Humanity, ducks can be purchased online:
• Marshfield Duck
September 7, 2010 COASTSWEEP / Rexhame, Marshfield MAHelp keep Rexhame Beach clean. For more
information visit:
• Rexhame Coastweep
September 2, 2010
It was the Summer of RED Flags - for some beaches
2010 Marshfield Beach Closures: *August 31 *August 10 *July 27 * July 20 *July 13
Every Tuesday during the Summer: Green Harbor, Brant Rock, Ocean Bluff, Fieldston and Rexhame beach waters were tested for
Enterococci bacterial contamination.
* DCR beaches are tested once a DAY and fly Red/Blue warning flags to swimmers.
* 5 of Marshfield's 11 beaches are tested once a WEEK and fly NO warning flags.
June - August: 75 salt water beaches on the South Shore were tested once a week by The Massachusetts Dept of Public Health
(MDEP) for Enterococci - intestinal bacteria found in humans and animals. High levels of enterococci indicate the waters may
also contain other disease-causing microbes that are present in sewage. Samples taken on Tues require 24 hours incubation.
If test results exceed 104 colonies on Wed, the beach is posted Closed To Swimming.
• Marshfield Beach Water Test Results
• Bacteria counts increase at Marshfield beaches © GateHouse News Service.
• What are the sources of bacteria in the water? - Beach FAQ's
August 7, 2010 Town Wide Sandcastle / Sculpture ContestRexhame Beach. 2:00 p.m. – 4:30
p.m. Enjoy this annual family event sponsored by Ed Payton and Mass Bay Associates Realty. Categories for Families, Children,
Youth and Adults! Prizes and fun for all. Rain date: Sunday, August 8 • Marshfield Recreation Department
August 2, 2010 Marshfield Approves Seawall Funds Monday night Marshfield Special Town Meeting
overwhelmingly approved funding to rebuild the Fieldston seawall. The public seawall was the only item on the agenda and was
approved in record setting time: less than 1 hour. Reconstruction is expected to start in October and be finished by December.
• Marshfield Special Town Meeting Warrant
• Special Town Meeting approves seawall project © GateHouse News Service.
July 28, 2010 WARNING: Marshfield Beaches Post High Bacterial Counts!Sunrise Beach is posted
as unsafe for swimming again! 9th Road was tested July 27 and posted CLOSED on Wed July 28 due to high Enterococci bacterial
count. Water will be retested Thursday morning. Lab results will be available Friday afternoon. The Marshfield Board of Health
strongly urges the public to avoid contact with the water, since it may cause illness.
• Marshfield Beach Water Testing Results
- MDEP • Beach Bums Beware - © WHDH TV
July 10, 2010 Bob Pollard Memorial Surfing ContestThe 2nd Annual Bob Pollard Noseriding Memorial
will take place at Rexhame Beach in Marshfield at noon. Register that day at the beach or pre-register at Luminate Surf and
Skate. Free surfboard and wetsuit rentals are available for contestants. The entry fee is $25 and includes a T-shirt and a
barbecue lunch. All proceeds go to the Bob Pollard Trust. • Luminate Surf and Skate• Facebook
July 3, 2010 Beach Villages Celebration of IndependenceBring your own perchlorate free fireworks
to Marshfields public shoreline and beaches. This year there will be plenty of room for everyone: High Tide: 5:01 / Low Tide:
11:09 PM. Sunset 8:22! • Tide Chart
June 20, 2010 6th Annual International Surfing DayPaddle out, catch a wave, spread ocean awareness.
Surfers from around the world will unite in celebration of the annual holiday. As is tradition, surfers will do their part
to give back to our oceans, waves and beaches through various organized events such as clean-ups and restoration projects
courtesy of the Surfrider Foundation. • International Surfing Day - ISD
June 1, 2010 SB/OB Email ALERT! - Spammers hijacked our email address. If you received sunrise
beach emails this week, Sorry For The Spammy Inconvenience! Delete the email from your address book & place them
in your Junk folder. • New SB/OB Email is on the Links page.
May 31, 2010 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKENDThis weekend marks the official kickoff to Marshfields Beach Season
- which doubles the towns traffic and population. Keep in mind "The litter you dump on the beach today, You’ll
be swimming in tomorrow". Kindly dispose of human and pet litter properly: Trash and Recycling barrels are conveniently
located at public beach access points. Enjoy and respect Marshfield's seashore. • Respect The Beach Regulations• Respect The Dunes & Grass• Town of Marshfield 2010 Beach Sticker
May 19, 2010
Marshfield Seawall in Danger of Collapsing
Fieldston Beach - construction crews worked through the night shoring up a section of seawall that is in danger of collapsing.
The wall pulled away from the shorefront and is now listing toward Fieldston beach. The 70 year old sea wall has been rapidly
decaying over the past few years. Harsh snowstorms in February followed by flooding rainstorms in March likely caused significant
erosion and exacerbated the problem. On Monday, DPW crews removed a dilapidated staircase that may have contributed to the
breach. The Marshfield Emergency Manangement Agency sent out a communicator message to residents “Please
do not go near this area, for your safety!”• Marshfield Sea Wall Nearly Collapses © The Patriot Ledger
• Seawall Construction Project - Marshfield Emergency Management Agency.
• Marshfield Beach Restoration & Preservation Association - MBRPA
the Rexhame Terrace Land Trust continue to seek private streets, dunes and beach rights. Don't let RTT deny public strolls
from Brant Rock, Ocean Bluff Beach, Sunrise Beach, Fieldston Beach, through Old Rexhame Beach and the seashore beyond. • Town
of Marshfield votes YES on Article 16 to continue with the Rexhame Beach litigation.• Article 16 - Rexhame Beach • MARSHFIELD TOWN MEETING HIGHLIGHTS - Night one © GateHouse News Service.
February 27, 2010 Nor'Easter STORM DAMAGEThis weekends Noreaster broke
the seawall gate at Brook Street beach access ramp. First wave bent the wooden gate. Next wave -with a loud BOOM- popped it
out of the seawall. BEWARE of DAILY FLOODS - each and every high tide, waves overtop the cement jersey barriers flooding Brook
Street, Foster Ave, Ocean Street, Rt 139, and down to Plymouth Ave. • View photos for more details: Feb 2010 Nor’Easter
- 2009 -
September & October 2009 COASTSWEEP 2009 - Massachusetts Coastal Cleanup
COASTSWEEP will kickoff its 22nd year on September 19, 2009. The coastal cleanup effort in Massachusetts is part of an
annual international campaign to encourage citizens to volunteer to remove debris from their local coastline and nearshore
marine areas. Funded by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MCZM). Organized by the Center of Marine
Conservation in Washington D.C. Sponsored by Ocean Conservancy and many others. • "90,000 Pounds Of Trash On Massachusetts Beaches!" © WBZ / CBS • Join CoastSweep!
September 19, 2009
International Coastal Cleanup (ICC)Mark your calendars for the 24th annual International Coastal Cleanup and
sign up for updates about local events. Last year, nearly 400,000 volunteers collected more than 6.8 million pounds
of trash from the world's beaches and waterways. Take Action: Start A Sea Change, Sign up to be part of the ICC. • International Coastal Cleanup
Wednesday June 24, 2009
WARNING: Marshfield Beaches Post High Bacterial Counts!
The Board of Health recommends NO SWIMMING at these beaches until further notice: Green Harbor, Brant Rock, Ocean Bluff, Sunrise,
9th Road, and Fieldston Beaches have been posted as unsafe for swimming. These beaches were tested Tuesday and found to have
a high Enterococci bacterial count. The Board of Health will retest the water Thursday morning. Lab results will be available
Friday afternoon.
(* Friday June 26, 2009 - 2:00 PM - Beaches Re-opened.)
• Marshfield Beach Water Testing Results - MDEP. • MA Bathing Beaches - EOHHS. • High bacteria counts at beaches © Marshfield Mariner.
Saturday June 20, 2009 Fifth Annual International Surfing Day (ISD)Need
a legitimate excuse to go surfing? "You finally have it! ISD, this unofficial, official surfers’ holiday gives us a
chance to promote and celebrate the sport while bringing awareness to the state of our oceans and beaches. Take the day, or
part of the day, to catch a wave or three and-- while you’re at it -- help clean up your favorite beach, in conjunction
with Surfrider Foundation, we’ll be organizing official beach cleanups, but that doesn’t stop you from beautifying
your own stretch of sand." • International Surfing Day - ISD• Surfrider Foundation - Massachusetts Chapter
June 1, 2009
Board of Selectmen
7:30 PM at Selectmen's Hearing Room
BOS/Board/Committee Liaisons – "Michael Maresco read through the list of committees and asked each Board member which
committee they would prefer to be the liaison to. The Board decided on the following: Seawall Committee – John Hall."
• Meeting Agenda & Minutes
Saturday April 4, 2009
MARSHFIELD RID LITTER EVENT -Help Keep Marshfield Beautiful!
This year supplies are available at Town Hall, Marshfield High School Gym, and select stores. Join the Marshfield Chamber
of Commerce, Marshfield DPW and Beach Commission. "We supply the trash bags and gloves! You supply the time &
energy!"• Marshfield MA Chamber of Commerce• Town of Marshfield MA Many THANKS to all involved, another successful clean-up day!
Preserve and Protect All Marshfield Public Beaches
This year public support is not only needed for rid litter campaigns and beach recycling efforts, but now your support is
essential for continued Marshfield Public Beach Access Rights. The Rexhame Beach battle continues. Without your support, Old
Rexhame may sadly become... "PRIVATE BEACH PROPERTY. No Trespassing!"
- 2008 -
"Bid With Your Lid" ProgramOcean Conservancy was one of three non-profits taking part in Stonyfield
Farm’s "Bid With Your Lid” campaign. "Bid With Your Lid” is an annual consumer promotion sponsored by Stonyfield
Farm to build awareness of and interest in various environmental and socially responsibility issues. Congratulations
Ocean Conservancy! • "Bid With Your Lid" - RESULTS POSTED HERE!
September 20, 2008
International Coastal Cleanup - “Start a Sea Change”Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup
is the world's largest volunteer event of its kind. Each year, thousands of volunteers from around the globe participate,
clearing tons of trash from coastlines, rivers and lakes and recording every piece of trash collected. Join this year's cleanup
on Sept. 20, 2008. • 2008 Ocean Conservancy International Coastal Cleanup
September & October 2008 Coastsweep 2008 - "Promoting MA Clean Beaches Since 1987"Coastsweep is the
annual state-wide coastal cleanup sponsored by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), and coordinated
by the Urban Harbors Institute (UHI) of the University of Massachusetts Boston. Each year, thousands of volunteers take to
the beaches and seafloor to help remove debris that would otherwise pollute our oceans. With more than 1,500 miles of MA shoreline
to clean, we need your help! • Massachusetts Coastsweep 2008
Saturday August 2, 2008 @ 2:00PM Protest Gathering on Old Rexhame Public BeachWalk,
Swim, Paddle a kayak, or Dare to Sit on Old Rexhame Beach and demand your public beach rights. Join our beach neighbors &
Protest on Saturday! WHERE ? From SB/OB head North, just beyond the end of the seawall, our neighbors will
be gathering on Rexhame Beach (between Kent and Waterman Avenues). • Residents protest for public beach rights © The Boston Globe. • Residents protest Rexhame Beach settlement © Marshfield Mariner.
Summer 2008 Enjoy the Beach, Respect the Beach... Clean-up after Yourself! The
Towns public beach rules and regulations are now being enforced on SB/OB by Marshfield Police in a new red buggy patrolling
our beach communities. Reminder: • Don't litter! Trash barrels are conveniently located
at all the SB/OB public beach entrances. Public recycling "not yet available" again at SB/OB. Maybe next year? • Keep
covered! The Red Buggy issues unprecedented "open beverage" fines. Adults can stay cool & covered,
purchase a "MarshVegas" or "Rebar Beach" coozie at OB, Rexhame, Brant Rock packies. • Don't dump! Keep
the beach clean, healthy, and safe for our kids to play in. Obey the Towns Leash Law and scoop up dog deposits.
June 24, 2008 Happy 3rd of July MarshVegas! Join Our Celebration! Again, No Public Marshfield
Fireworks. 6:01 PM low tide guarantees packed Marshfield public beaches waiting for 3rd of July private display of independence.
Bring your own perchlorate free fireworks and Enjoy a Happy 3rd... and 4th too! ** Sad to find 4th and 5th of July
beaches LITTERED with fireworks debris and litter. Maybe 2009 will find more citizens in the Marshfield Clean Beach Initiative?
June 7, 2008
Marshfield Gets New Buggy to Patrol Beaches.
"Police and the harbormaster staff will zip around the town’s beaches, woodlands and harbor this summer in a new
red buggy. The 4X4 vehicle, called a “mule,” came free to the town via a public safety program of the Kowalski
company, sponsored locally by Pilgrim Power Sports in Plymouth." • © The Patriot Ledger.
May 3 & 4, 2008 MARSHFIELD'S ANNUAL RID LITTER DAY EVENT"Community minded citizens, neighbors and
friends" are encouraged to participate in this year's annual cleanup of Marshfield neighborhoods, parks, and beaches. •
Saturday May 3, pick up supplies, bags and gloves at the Furnace Brook Middle School. • Sunday May 4, drop off collected
litter at the school. Sponsored by • Marshfield MA Chamber of Commerce.Many THANKS to the Marshfield MA Chamber of Commerce and to Everyone who participated in this years clean-up of
SB/OB Beaches. Hope you will join us again next year!
February 19, 2008 Frank Hynes, Thank You!State representative, Frank Hynes announced last week
that he would not be running for re-election. His dedicated service and concern for protecting Marshfields public shoreline
and infrastructure will be greatly missed. Hopefully the next State Rep will follow in his footsteps! Frank Hynes, Massachusetts
House of Representatives, Fourth Plymouth District: • Member of the MA Coastal Hazards Commission. • Infrastructure
Plan Working Group (Chair). • Hynes state-representative seat © The Marshfield Mariner
January 2008 - Help Us To Protect and Restore Marshfield's Seaside History.
Don't litter, Don't dump, Don't destroy dunes! Beach grass is a fragile plant that holds the dunes together.
By simply breaking one blade of beach grass the plant can die immediately. People and pets walking on beach grass contributes
to the destruction of the dunes and beaches. Help from the public is essential: Do Not Wander Off Dune Paths! If we act now,
we can preserve the dunes and enjoy our public beaches for many years to come.
2007 - 2001
Sunrise Beach / Ocean Bluff Beach Petition
The battle to enforce public seawall contracts and rid the beaches of construction debris.
• Petition News & Updates