Sunrise Beach
Ocean Bluff
Marshfield MA 02065


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SB/OB Petition
Petition News
The Sunrise Beach / Ocean Bluff Beach Petition.
From 2002 - June 2006 residents of Sunrise Beach and Ocean Bluff Beach contacted Marshfield MA DPW engineers and the Conservation Commission regarding Vine Associates, S.M. Lynch Corp, and Northern Construction Service leaving seawall construction debris and rebar litter on the beaches.
• Our concerns about seawall concrete were ignored.
• Our concerns about rebar were dismissed as "lobster cage" material.
In June 2006, we were advised to create a petition addressing the safety hazards of seawall construction debris that remains on Sunrise Beach and Ocean Bluff Beach...

Petition Submitted On June 23, 2006.
Sunrise Beach / Ocean Bluff Beach Petition
We the undersigned have the following concerns and requests for the improvement of Sunrise Beach, Ocean Bluff, Marshfield MA.

Since the construction of the seawall there has been recurring construction debris, rebar and huge boulders left on the beach.  These conditions make the beach extremely unsafe.  We would like all construction debris removed.
    a. rebar
    b. concrete rocks
    c. reinforced concrete materials

The Brook/Foster Street ramp that is used for access to the beach is unsafe for pedestrians.  Prior to construction stairs along side the ramp provided access.  Large boulders now block the ramp. We would like safe access to our beach again.

*This Petition contains 179 signatures.

Letter Submitted With Petition
A copy of this letter and photos also submitted to 
Town of Marshfield MA Administrator: John Clifford.

*2 samples of concrete and rebar accompanied this letter:

June 23, 2006

Town of Marshfield MA Selectmen:
Michael A. Maresco
Patricia M. Epstein
Katharine N. O'Donnell

RE: Sunrise Beach / Ocean Bluff Beach Petition

Please find enclosed the original copy of our “Sunrise Beach / Ocean Bluff Beach Petition”. This 13 page petition contains 179 signatures from Marshfield residents, Marshfield registered voters, and Ocean Bluff property owners.  Also included are 4 pages of photographs.

As year round residents of Ocean Bluff we have personally witnessed the destruction of Sunrise Beach.  The past 2 seawall construction projects have resulted in tons of construction debris littering the beach.  This debris consists of large concrete blocks and rebar materials protruding from the sand (see photo pages 1, 2, & 3).  This debris is a public safety hazard.  The residents of Sunrise Beach / Ocean Bluff request the beach be restored to its pre-construction state before someone is seriously injured.

During the summer of 2005 a young boy fell on the Brook/Foster Street beach ramp.  His injury was serious enough to require an ambulance.

The Brook/Foster Street beach access is still unsafe for public use and does not provide adequate emergency ambulance access (see photo page 4). We request that the town proactively replace’s the stairs and removes all seawall construction debris from the beach before more personal injuries occur.

Marshfield town officials inspected and approved both seawall construction sites.  The residents of Ocean Bluff do not understand “Why or How”  town approval was granted.  Even to an untrained eye: a walk down the ramp and on the beach provides obvious evidence of an obstacle course full of public safety issues.

We also request that the selectmen review the 2005 seawall construction company contract with the town.  The town engineering department is reluctant to provide us with a copy of the contract. We request answers to the following:
• Is the construction company responsible for the removal of debris?
• If so, why wasn't the contract enforced?
• When was the construction site inspected - high or low tide?
• Who approved the inspection of this construction site?
• Does this construction company have additional contracts with the town?
• Is this construction company bidding on future contracts with the town?

We made numerous onsite requests to the inspectors throughout the construction process expressing our concerns for dumping construction materials on the beach.  To date, our requests have been ignored by the DPW and town engineers. The recent most frequently used response to our questions is... “No Comment”.

Hence forth, with the assistance of Marshfield Beach Supervisor Cindy Castro, we created this petition.

* Our conversations with town officials have been fully noted. Our log is available upon your request.

* The enclosed photo’s are just a very small sample.  We have 100’s of “before, during, and after construction” photo’s available upon your request.

* Additional copies of this signed petition are available upon your request.

We urge the selectmen to put a stop to littering Marshfield’s beaches with town approved seawall construction debris.

Seawall construction contracts should not result in the town’s additional expense to remove debris from our public beaches.

Sunrise Beach, Ocean Bluff residents and property owners
for your attention to this pertinent public safety issue!

We look forward to discussing this issue with you....
no later than June 26, 2006.

Petition Photo's.
Photo pages 1-4 were submitted on June 23, 2006 with the above Petition and Letter.

Petition Photo Page 1
Click for full size.

Petition Photo Page 2
Click for full size.

Petition Photo Page 3
Click for full size.

Petition Photo Page 4
Click for full size.

Photo pages 5-8 were submitted during numerous beach meetings held July - October 2006.

Photo page 5 - DPW
Click for full size view.

Photo page 6 - Debris
Click for full size view.

Photo page 7 - Debris
Click for full size view.

Photo page 8 - Beach Access Ramps
Click for full size view.

Images © All Rights Reserved.
Sunrise Beach, Ocean Bluff, Marshfield MA 02050